Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This weekend was a typical one in the White house. Lots to do with the kids' activitives, church, housework, errands, etc. But tonight, after an awesome weekend of "the usual", I realized that, although I dread the work week beginning tomorrow, I have much to be thankful for in my life.

Lately, I have been focusing on how life would be so much better "if", but tonight, it hit me that life is good. So good, and I am so thankful.

On Friday, our babysitter, Becca, was able to come spend a couple hours with us before she heads off to college next weekend. We don't get to spend alot of time with Becca because she is typically here when we are not. But on Friday, Matt and I were able to have an adult conversation with a sweet, grounded, spiritually stong and driven young woman that we will miss dearly. Becca has been such a light in our children's lives, and I am thankful for her.

Audrey and Isaac had soccer wins this weekend. I am, of course, thankful for the wins, but I am also thankful for their teammates, their coaches, the teams' parents, and two games of safe play.

I am thankful for Handel's Ice Cream. It is one sure-fire way to put a smile on my kids' faces. And, it usually means someone has won a game!

I am thankful for having BFFs who we can depend on and who can depend on us. You know who you are. Through the good and the bad, I am glad we have each others' backs. I know that life wouldn't be the same without you.

I am thankful to live in a neighborhood full of love and friendship. You don't have to go far in Call's Farm to find a smile or a conversation.

I am thankful for a church that feels like home.

I am thankful for Todd Iannetta and his Middle School Ministry. I am incredibly thankful for the small group leader who will eventually help to lead my daughter during these difficult years of middle school.

I am thankful for all of those that serve at HCC which has always been just an amazing place for us.

I am thankful for my friend Didi, her smile, her laugh, and her conversation. It is always a pleasure, friend! We must do it more!

I am thankful for my Mom who taught me how to make the most awesomest potato soup. I needed a good dose of it today to battle my cold.

I am thankful for my husband. He let me take a nap today and cooked dinner while I slept.I am thankful for double acorns that look like butts. Isaac found one today on our walk, and it is a keeper! Plus, it still had its hat!

I am thankful for my children. I am thankful of my relationship with Audrey, and I am constantly amazed that conversation can exist between a parent and a pre-teen about things that really matter to her right now. They may not be deep conversations, but we don't need that right now. Isaac is our family comedian, and I am thankful for his ability to make us all laugh. I am thankful for Ian's fearlessness. He makes life fun.

I am thankful that all three of our kids can take their own showers.

I am thankful for Keystone Light. We're in a recession, you know.

I am thankful for my trusty friend and companion, the lil' biscuit of my life, Rico.

I am thankful.

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