Thursday, May 6, 2010

birds & the bees

Matt and I have taken an active approach towards the whole sex ed thing in our house.

Audrey and I had "the talk" about three years ago, which would have put her right around eight years old. We read a book with a Christian foundation that included abstinence until marriage; however, the book was relatively graphic and explained sex in appropriate detail for the age of the intended audience.

The experience with Audrey was pretty much tolerable as a mother.  I read the book, gave Audrey the nitty-gritty, and she replied with, "Ick. That is gross. Okay, are we done?"  Why yes, darling we are.

Fast forward to this past week when Matt and Isaac were reading the same book. Audrey and I were holed up in my bedroom patiently waiting to be able to go downstairs where Matt was talking with Isaac. Finally they were done after more than a half hour of discussing. Audrey and I kept looking at each other like, "What on God's green earth could they be talking about... sssstttiiilllllllll."

Most of the talking was coming from Isaac!

From here, I will have to paraphrase since this information came to me from Matt. One of the things Isaac wanted to know was, "What if I am dating a girl for like five months? And, we love each other. Could we move in together?" From there, Matt explained that sex outside of marriage is especially tempting if you live together.

Since the initial talk, Isaac has asked with his hand up shielding his mouth, "Does Audrey know about {{whisper}} SEX ?"

Then last night, we were all cuddled in our bed - me, Audrey and Isaac - and Matt was sitting in the chair in our room, and we were watching American Idol. Isaac says, "Dad, I have a question about the book we read." Exit room. FAST.

Isaac wants to now how how soon you get to have sex once you are married. Matt explains that once it is done, anytime is fine... maybe that night... maybe the next day... but just as soon as you want.

Somehow, the conversation then turns to the frequency of sex... Matt trying to get inside of Isaac's brain, explains that everytime you have sex, a baby isn't made. The wheels they are a turnin', there is no doubt about it!!

Matt said you could see him thinking, and then Isaac said, "Well, I know you and Mom have had sex at least one time." Ummm... yeah. Or maybe three.

I swear to you, since Isaac and Matt had "the talk", Isaac has not stopped talking about and/or touching his penis. I do believe he sees his appendage in a brand new light.

I was telling my sister, Cathy, about the sex talk, and she shared a hilarious story about one of her friends telling their son about the birds and the bees. When her friend was done telling their son what happens during sex, the son replied, "Hmmm... I am gonna have to watch you and Mom next time to see if it is something I'd like to do."

I end with that, because really, is there any where else to go with this?


  1. Your old roomie - JenMay 6, 2010 at 3:31 PM

    OMG very funny - thanks for making it easier for the rest of us by sharing your story!!

  2. I have some sex ed book suggestions. I blog on my Birds and Bees talk with my 10-year-old daughter at

    It was made easier with a good book on sex first, followed by q and a. Other moms also suggested their favorite books.

    Pragmatic Mom
    Type A Parenting for the Modern World
    I blog on children's lit, education and parenting.

  3. I have some sex ed book suggestions. I blog on my Birds and Bees talk with my 10-year-old daughter at

    It was made easier with a good book on sex first, followed by q and a. Other moms also suggested their favorite books.

    Pragmatic Mom
    Type A Parenting for the Modern World
    I blog on children's lit, education and parenting.
