Thursday, August 5, 2010

Attack of the Blob

Matt's parents live in Dallas, and his two brothers and their families live in the Carolinas. Every year, over the Labor Day holiday, everyone either comes up to Ohio to our house, or we head down to Camp Lurecrest in Lake Lure near Asheville, NC to reunite.

You can read more about Camp Lurecrest here. Matt's brother, Jeremy, is the Camp Director, and because of the space and activities available for the kids, it makes sense for us to hang at camp during their turn to host over Labor Day.

Camp Lurecrest is right on Lake Lure. With that, comes a lakeside "attraction" called the Blob. Essentially, one person sits waiting on one end of the Blob, which is in the water, while another jumps off a platform onto the Blob, catapulting the other person into the sky.

I believe, as a family, we sacrificed Matt on the Blob one year only. And, you will see why.


{Disclaimer, this is NOT at Camp Lurecrest, but just a funny video I stumbled across.}

Need I say more?

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