Thursday, August 26, 2010

Open Houses and First Day of School

Audrey - Grade 7
Isaac - Grade 3
Ian - Kindergarten

HOW did this happen? My memory is fuzzy at times, but it is crystal clear when I think back to the days I brought them all home from the hospital, just days old. Now, they are ALL in school.

Last night, we had Back to School Open Houses at both schools (elementary for the boys and middle/jr. high school for Audrey). Before we got to the elementary school, Ian was a mess. He was crying, telling me over and over that he was nervous and didn't want to hug his teacher. My heart broke, but I knew he would be fine. And, he was.

By the time we left that open house to go on to the next, he was shaking hands with the aides... and was double checking his bearings to make sure he knew which room was his. The thought of my baby carrying his lunch tray all the way from the lunch line to the lunch tables makes me just as nervous as him, I think. We have definitely babied the "baby" of the family.

{ For those of you that will pick up on the fact that Ian's "first day of school" picture is not below, let me explain... our school district splits the start day for Kindergartners. Because our last name falls at the end of the alphabet, Ian actually starts school tomorrow, whereas, Audrey and Isaac started today.)

Moving on to the Open House at Kimpton Middle School for Audrey. It went just about as expected... alot of pre-teens and teens looking cliquey, excited, nervous... I could go on and on but I am sure you get the gist. Sounds like the biggest issue today on the first day of school will be getting organized and figuring out locker combinations for the new middle-schoolers. { "Do not cry if you cannot get your locker open."... the motto of the evening. } Interesting tidbit about Audrey's school counselor... He is a "Bully Prevention Specialist". Very cool. This year should be interesting as he helps the kids build their character - and, to not only resist bullying others but also to stand up to let everyone know that bullying, in any form, is wrong. Hmmm.. I know some adults that could benefit from time spent with a Bully Prevention Specialist.

This morning came with everyone waking up on time, or exceptionally early. Isaac, our morning procrastinator, came out of his room about an hour before he needed to, already dressed with his shoes on, and he immediately brushed his teeth without being told. I love the motivation that comes with back to school time!

Audrey hanging while she waits for departure to the bus stop. She had a short-lived panicky situation as it downpoured right before she was to head out. Thankfully, the sun ended coming out.
If you can guess what this bag is for, you win the prize! { Hint: Bus rides can create motion sickness in some children. } She resisted this addition to her bag right up until the memory of two sick episodes last year came flooding back to her.
I had to interrupt Isaac's early morning filling-anxious-time-scooter-ride to get him to do a First Day of School pose. He was SO excited this morning. He kept going back and forth... car rider or walker... decisions, decisions.  
Don't forget to come back tomorrow to hear about Ian's first day of Kindergarten!


  1. I have pre-treated, soaked and laundered 1 Land's End backback multiple times in the last month to get it presentable for the 7th grade. You see... in purchasing the Land's End I said "this WILL last and that is worth the extra money." That, of course, was before it was yacked on making it darn near uncarryable in the 7th grade.

    I wonder how long Land's End backpacks will last when laundered multiple times in an attemp to erase the memories of yack?

  2. I have pre-treated, soaked and laundered 1 Land's End backback multiple times in the last month to get it presentable for the 7th grade. You see... in purchasing the Land's End I said "this WILL last and that is worth the extra money." That, of course, was before it was yacked on making it darn near uncarryable in the 7th grade.

    I wonder how long Land's End backpacks will last when laundered multiple times in an attemp to erase the memories of yack?
