Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Left foot. Right foot. Foot, foot, foot.

I hate feet. I am sure many of you do, too. They are the ugliest things on our bodies. My feet are particularly ugly.

However, because I don't have anything else to talk about today, we will discuss my feet. Actually one toe on my right foot.

In mid-March, my toe under my nail started to hurt. Just to touch it was incredibly painful.

Then, while on spring break, in the hot tub, it hurt so &^%$ing bad, but, I just shrugged it off, and within a day or so, it was healed.

{{{ Wave to my foot!!! }}}

Last week, I was changing my toenail polish and I noticed THAT nail was falling off. Blech.

Today, it is all but totally gone.

What gives? A fungus among us? A toe injury?

Someone, please tell me that it will grow back!!

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If you promise to vote by clicking the brown bar, I will promise to never discuss (or show)  my toes/feet again! Mwah!  It feels gooooood to be sitting in the teens on TMB.com. Love it that the button on my page shows a pink number. Woot-woot! Thanks y'all!

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