Sunday, May 8, 2011

Stream of Consciousness Sunday | I want my iPhone

This is my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post, hosted by all.things.fadra. It’s five minutes of my time and a brain dump. No editing. Write for five mintues. Go!


All I want for Mother's Day 2011 is an iPhone. Today is Mother's Day and that is what I woke up thinking about.

Matt is trying to talk me into another smartphone because our carrier doesn't allow for iPhones.

I want an iPhone, yet I was almost ready to give in to my impatience by finding another smartphone through my present carrier.

However, I will wait. Likely until August when my plan is up.

Now, I want this.

An Electrolux Cordless/Bagless 2-in-1 lightweight vacuum ... nothing but cleaning goodness in about 5 lbs.

Cathy has one.

I swear everytime I leave her house, I leave with a renewed hope of getting my house clean.

All because of gadgets like this.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you! I hope it brings you things that remind you of how awesome it is to be a Mom!  Even if that means receiving things that make your life as a Mom easier, like a vacuum.


  1. Your link is all jacked up over at Fadra's, FYI.

    Isn't it funny how things change? Who knew that we'd think a vacuum or other household appliance would be the BOMB gift??

  2. I fixed your link, FYI.

    I actually LOVE vacuums so I'd be totally down with that as a present. But I caution you against a cordless. They don't have much power. Just sayin'

    However, nothing can top my iPhone. We go everywhere together.

  3. Fadra, I got it, and I LOVE IT. Friggin' LOVE it! I don't need much power time... I used it the night I got it to vacuum out the van. It was awesomeness at its best! Everyone should have one... plus, while I was in Memphis, my kids broke my cord-filled vacuum, so I got a new one of those,too! I am in cleaning heaven this week. But, no iPhone. :-(

  4. Fadra, I got it, and I LOVE IT. Friggin' LOVE it! I don't need much power time... I used it the night I got it to vacuum out the van. It was awesomeness at its best! Everyone should have one... plus, while I was in Memphis, my kids broke my cord-filled vacuum, so I got a new one of those,too! I am in cleaning heaven this week. But, no iPhone. :-(
