Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bosoms, Boobs, Balls... and Potatoes

Last night was the first time in many weeks that we have been able to sit down as a family for dinner, as the kids' extracurriculars have finally wound down to a manageable volume.

During dinner, Audrey was talking about a book they just starting reading in her class, and it made her giggle when she recalled a boy pointing out the oddness of the word "bosom".

All of a sudden, Ian shouts out, "Mom! Say boobs and balls!"

We all, obviously, laughed hysterically and the conversation just got more goofy as the dinner went on.

Enter the large potato.

This is one of two potatoes that made it through Matt's men's weekend at Mayleville. Extras potatoes, if you can imagine. They are as big as Ian's head. Amazingly large potatoes!

And so we laughed and laughed as we found other inappropriate similarities with this potato and body parts. We also thought these potatoes would be great to launch with a water balloon launcher... baked beforehand, of course.

When Audrey said her prayers last night, she thanked God for our family dinner. It made all of the silliness worthwhile.

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