Thursday, September 16, 2010

For the record

As Audrey and I were starting our day this morning, I reminded her that she would see me at the 7th grade girls' volleyball game this evening. Here is how the story goes:

Me: I am so excited to go.

Audrey: Why?

Me: It's been a long time since I have been to one. I used to play, so I am excited.

Audrey: No you did not.

Me: Yes, I did.

Audrey: ::giggle::giggle::eye roll::

Me: What?

Audrey: What? Was your mom the coach or something?

I am not really sure what she meant by that. But, here is evidence of my volleyball career. I threw in a track picture, too, just so when the time comes, because it will, I can point her right to this post.

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