Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thirty Days of Truth { Day 2 } Something you love about yourself.

I am not sure there is something I love about myself (contrary to what my sisters may think). But, there is something I love which has contributed to who I am, and that is being a Mayle.

Mayle (pronounced Miley, like Miley Cyrus) is my maiden name. My Dad's and Grandfather's surname.  My daughter's middle name.

It is hard to describe what it is like to be a Mayle, because you don't really run across families like ours very often.

Mayle family reunions are 500+ people strong, and if one was held today, it would span four generations. Every Mayle is your cousin. Mayles are LOUD. Mayles are funny. Mayles aren't very sensitive folk on the outside, but have soft spots on the inside. Mayles are giving and caring.  Mayles are nosey! If you think they don't know, make no mistake about it - they do. Mayles are real and our relationships with each other tend to be a bit brash, but our love for one another is unconditional. Mayles thrive on fun. Mayles love beer. It is a requirement. Some of my best memories in my thirty-eight years include a Mayle. My childhood, and especially my summers, knowing I was a Mayle amongst Mayles, was very comforting.

I could go on and on... and, I don't want to brag... but BEING A MAYLE RULES! Just ask us.

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